Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have never dreamt of flying.  As dreams go, I believe that flying is a pretty common one, but it is one that I have not experienced.  Instead I dream of Wal-Mart aisles, gremlins streaming down them, me hacking my way through them with a wooden katana that my arms are too weak to lift.  I dream of building a pyramid upside down, stacking exponentially growing numbers of blocks on top of each other.  I dream of getting shot in the stomach and dying only to re-materialize and get shot again.  I dream of running away.  But I never dream of flying. I have also never dreamt of falling.

Flying is what I daydream about.

I often wonder whether it is my daydreams or my dreams that show who I truly am.


  1. MJ, those aren't dreams or daydreams. They're journeys to a mystical place called limbo. Unfortunately, due to the way our society has forced us to think about the boundaries of reality, our minds are no longer able to accept the fact that this place, limbo, can exist. Thus, we are left to believe that limbo is nothing but a land of dreams...
    Therefore, the way I see it, neither dreams nor daydreams show who one truly is. Limbo is limbo.

  2. agree with david on this one! although i haven't been in limbo myself, tbqh. the closest i've gotten is where everything is just absolutely hilarious.
